My Objective in Creating the Goldilocks Project

My inspiration for creating "The Goldilocks Project" is to have some fun in documenting my thoughts and ideas on various subjects - some that have brought me great joy and others that I'm unsure about. This blog will serve as a means to self-examine through my writing. I will write about a lot of random subjects and ideas that have been flying around in my brain for a long time - some meaningful and some not so much. This blog will be a resting place of sorts, a final destination, for the things I have choosen to leave behind, as well as a jumping off point for the things I want to hold dear, nurture, and improve upon.

I am reminded of the story of Goldilocks when she entered the home of the three bears, ate their porriage, broke their chair, and slept in their beds? Not a very caring young lady in this writer's opinion, yet I guess the story has it's merits. Goldilocks learned a great lesson about entering another's home without permission. I too hope to learn a lesson or two about myself through the process of writing. I hope you'll walk with me as I go down this path and examine some of your own thoughts as you read my posts.

I would truly love to hear what you think as you read my posts. If you have a topic that you would like for us to explore together, please let me know.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Thanksgiving and Blessings

It's November so I thought it appropriate to devote some time to writing about thanksgiving and blessings. But, to tell you the truth, I'm prepping for a scheduled colonoscopy, so I'm not feeling particularly blessed or thankful at the moment. As a matter of fact, I'm feeling pretty miserable and a little sorry for myself to bout, so I decided to try and flip the switch so to speak, and write about gratitude.

I have often read that it's good for the soul to take time at the end of each day to write down five things for which you're grateful. A worthwhile endeavor I think, and one that I have engaged in off and on for about the last 10 years. I find it a simple task, that perhaps keeps me focused on the abundant blessings in my life instead of the things that I wish I had (and really don't need, by the way) or the things that I think I need and simply can't afford. There are so many things to be grateful for each day, things as simple as a sunny day to something grand like a successful medical procedure. In working on this post, I came across an old Gratitude Journal. Here are a few of my entries:

1 - I'm grateful that I was able to prepare a nutritious meal for dinner tonight.
2 - I'm grateful that I was able to maintain a calm, loving mood all day, even though those around me were grumpy and in a foul mood.
3 - I'm grateful that I can rest today and don't have to go out.
4 - I'm grateful that I saw two beautiful cardinals in the backyard this morning.
5 - I'm grateful that I am able to articulate well enough to be understood - at least most of the time.

Do you keep a gratitude journal? If not, do yourself a favor and go buy a nice-looking journal (there are lots of inexpensive ones out there), and use it to record your abundant blessings and gratifications. If you already have a Gratitude Journal, go back and read some of your entries - it really does brighter your day and certainly puts things in perspective - I know it does for me. And, please, feel free to share some of your gratitudes with the rest of us by leaving a comment. There, now I feel better.

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