My Objective in Creating the Goldilocks Project

My inspiration for creating "The Goldilocks Project" is to have some fun in documenting my thoughts and ideas on various subjects - some that have brought me great joy and others that I'm unsure about. This blog will serve as a means to self-examine through my writing. I will write about a lot of random subjects and ideas that have been flying around in my brain for a long time - some meaningful and some not so much. This blog will be a resting place of sorts, a final destination, for the things I have choosen to leave behind, as well as a jumping off point for the things I want to hold dear, nurture, and improve upon.

I am reminded of the story of Goldilocks when she entered the home of the three bears, ate their porriage, broke their chair, and slept in their beds? Not a very caring young lady in this writer's opinion, yet I guess the story has it's merits. Goldilocks learned a great lesson about entering another's home without permission. I too hope to learn a lesson or two about myself through the process of writing. I hope you'll walk with me as I go down this path and examine some of your own thoughts as you read my posts.

I would truly love to hear what you think as you read my posts. If you have a topic that you would like for us to explore together, please let me know.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

An Evening of Art in Butchers Hill

Tonight was a special night. Not in any grand way, but special nevertheless. In lieu of our regular neighborhood association meeting, there was an Evening of Art in Butchers Hill that featured some of the many artists that reside there - jewelry makers, sculptors, photographers, knitters, and wood workers. In the past, I might have feigned off, made up any old excuse in order to justify staying home - too busy, too tired, an early appointment the next morning. But, this time I didn't! Instead I asked my friend and neighbor if she would like to join me, and she said yes.

We ended up having a really good time talking with neighbors, browsing among the myriad of artistic works, and drinking some darn good wine to boot, just steps from our own front doors. Perfect. Afterwards we went to my friend's house to settle in with a nice bottle of red and some good conversation. I felt truly blessed that I live in a neighborhood that holds this kind of event, that is chocked full of interesting and good people, and that I have a good friend to share it all with.

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