My Objective in Creating the Goldilocks Project

My inspiration for creating "The Goldilocks Project" is to have some fun in documenting my thoughts and ideas on various subjects - some that have brought me great joy and others that I'm unsure about. This blog will serve as a means to self-examine through my writing. I will write about a lot of random subjects and ideas that have been flying around in my brain for a long time - some meaningful and some not so much. This blog will be a resting place of sorts, a final destination, for the things I have choosen to leave behind, as well as a jumping off point for the things I want to hold dear, nurture, and improve upon.

I am reminded of the story of Goldilocks when she entered the home of the three bears, ate their porriage, broke their chair, and slept in their beds? Not a very caring young lady in this writer's opinion, yet I guess the story has it's merits. Goldilocks learned a great lesson about entering another's home without permission. I too hope to learn a lesson or two about myself through the process of writing. I hope you'll walk with me as I go down this path and examine some of your own thoughts as you read my posts.

I would truly love to hear what you think as you read my posts. If you have a topic that you would like for us to explore together, please let me know.

Monday, June 1, 2015 is a website that allows users to search an extensive user-populated database of books, annotations, and reviews. I sometimes use it to search for that perfect book, but I use it mostly to keep track of the books that I have already read or those that are on my wish list. How many times have you opened a book and started to read only to realize that you've already read it? I have on numerous occasions, but not any more! I write a little review along with my likes and dislikes about each book, rate them, record my finish date, and then file it all away on Very handy indeed! keeps me straight, in a literary way, and is something that fulfills that little thing in me that needs to be book-organized.

At the end of last year, challenged members to set a goal as to how many books they wanted to read in 2015. I took that challenge and set my goal at 12 books, one per month, hardly unreasonable. Just last week I increased my goal to 15 books and am happy to report that I have already read 10 books simply by making reading a priority. I've cancelled many magazine subscriptions so that I can focus on book reading. This challenge also gets me to the library more often - a place that I love to visit.  I'm pretty sure I was a librarian in a former life because I love to walk among the tomes, searching the titles, reading the excerpts, re-shelving books that are out of order. I always leave there - reluctantly - with a bag full of books that I can barely lift because I have a hard time settling on just 4 or 5. How about you?

Do you take the time to read? What is your personal reading goal? What is your favorite genre? How many books can you read in a year? Join the challenge - you will not regret it.

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